Commands Requirements
Very often a bot's command is designed to work only in groups, require that user is a mod or admin, or even that the bot itself is a mod or admin. While it is possible to implement the checks in command's method, these tasks are quite common, so a fair bit of boilerplate code would be required - especially if you create multiple bots.
Wolfringo Commands System aims to reduce the amount of boilerplate code, and that includes code required for such checks. For that reason, Wolfringo.Commands includes some of the most common checks in form of easy to use attributes. Wolfringo Commands System also allows easy implementation of own attributes for checks - see Custom Requirements to see how to create one.
How Command Requirements work
After selecting a CommandAttributeBase, such as [Command] or [RegexCommand], it'll run CheckAsync method on each of the requirements, which will return an ICommandResult. If any of the requirements return Failure, execution of a command will be aborted. If any returns Skip, execution of command will be skipped.
If command execution is aborted, Commands System will stop processing the current message. If it's skipped, it'll attempt to run an another command.
Error Messages
Requirements support error messages - if any is specified, in case of command execution being aborted, the message will be sent back to the user that invoked the command.
Most of built-in requirements (with exception of [IgnoreBots]) have a default message specified. You can change that message freely by changing value of ErrorMessage property.
You can also set ErrorMessage to null
or empty string - in such case, no error response will be sent back by the bot.
[GroupOnly(ErrorMessage = "(n) Please try in a group instead!")]
private async Task ExampleAsync() { }
Skipping means that when requirement fails, the commands system will attempt to find next matching command instead of aborting completely.
By default, all built-in requirements return Failure if check fails. If for some reason you want fail to cause skipping, you can set AbortOnFail property to false
By default, ErrorMessage will be NOT sent when skipping. You can change that as well, by setting SendMessageWhenSkipping property to true
[GroupOnly(ErrorMessage = "(n) Please try in a group instead!", AbortOnFail = false, SendMessageWhenSkipping = true)]
private async Task ExampleAsync() { }
Requirements on Handlers
Command Requirements can be specified on the handler as well. When a handler is marked with a requirement, ALL of the commands in that handler will have that requirement. In the following example, ExampleAsync will only be run for messages that called this command from a group.
private class ExampleHandler
private async Task ExampleAsync()
// command code here will only be ran for commands called from group chats
Multiple Requirements
Multiple requirements can be specified on the same method or handler. When there are requirements on both, method and handler, they're automatically combined.
When there is more than one requirement for a command, they all need to pass. If at least one is not passed, the command execution is aborted.
Be cautious when mixing requirements. Some requirements, like [GroupOnly] and [PrivateOnly] for example, are mutually exclusive - if you set them both for the same command, that command will always be aborted!
Built-in Requirements
Wolfringo Commands System has some requirements built-in for convenience.
Requirement | Behaviour | Default Error Message | Notes |
[IgnoreBots] | Prevents official bots (with BOT tag) from executing the command. | null |
User-made bots don't have the tag, so can still use the command. |
[GroupOnly] | Makes the command only usable in group chats. | "(n) This command can be used in groups only." | Mutually exclusive with [PrivateOnly]. |
[PrivateOnly] | Makes the command only usable in private messages. | "(n) This command can be used in PM only." | Mutually exclusive with [GroupOnly]. |
[RequireGroupMod] | Requires the user invoking the command to have Mod, Admin or Owner role. | "(n) You need to be at least a mod to execute this command." | By default, this also makes the command group-only. You can set IgnoreInPrivate to true to make it work in PM for everyone. |
[RequireGroupAdmin] | Requires the user invoking the command to have Admin or Owner role. | "(n) You need to be at least an admin to execute this command." | By default, this also makes the command group-only. You can set IgnoreInPrivate to true to make it work in PM for everyone. |
[RequireGroupOwner] | Requires the user invoking the command to have Owner role. | "(n) You need to be an owner to execute this command." | By default, this also makes the command group-only. You can set IgnoreInPrivate to true to make it work in PM for everyone. |
[RequireBotGroupMod] | Requires the bot to have Mod, Admin or Owner role. | "(n) I need to be at least a mod to execute this command." | By default, this also makes the command group-only. You can set IgnoreInPrivate to true to make it work in PM for everyone. |
[RequireBotGroupAdmin] | Requires the bot to have Admin or Owner role. | "(n) I need to be at least an admin to execute this command." | By default, this also makes the command group-only. You can set IgnoreInPrivate to true to make it work in PM for everyone. |
[RequireBotGroupOwner] | Requires the bot to have Owner role. | "(n) I need to be an owner to execute this command." | By default, this also makes the command group-only. You can set IgnoreInPrivate to true to make it work in PM for everyone. |
[RequireUserEntertainer] | Allows only Entertainer users (with ENTERTAINER tag) to run the command. | "(n) You need to be an Entertainer to execute this command." | Some users might be entertainers even if they have a different tag - such as STAFF tag. |
[RequireUserStaff] | Allows only Staff users (with STAFF tag) to run the command. | "(n) You need to be a Staff to execute this command." | - |
[RequireUserVolunteer] | Allows only Volunteer users (with VOLUNTEER tag) to run the command. | "(n) You need to be a Volunteer to execute this command." | Some users might be volunteers even if they have a different tag - such as STAFF tag. |
[RequireMaximumReputation(double)] | Ensures that user calling the command has reputation level equal to or smaller than specified. | "(n) Your reputation is too high to execute this command." | Care needed if used with [RequireMinimumReputation(double)]. |
[RequireMinimumReputation(double)] | Ensures that user calling the command has reputation level equal to or greater than specified. | "(n) Your reputation is too low to execute this command." | Care needed if used with [RequireMaximumReputation(double)]. |
Custom Requirements
You can also create your own requirements easily. All you need to do is create a new class that inherits from CommandRequirementAttribute (from TehGM.Wolfringo.Commands.Attributes namespace), and attach the new attribute to your command.
Command Requirement's CheckAsync method has @System.IServiceProvider as one of its parameters. Whenever CommandsService runs checks, its services will be provided via this parameter. You can use it to gain access to your own services - for example your Database class, or whatever else you might need! To check how to add your services to the provider, see Dependency Injection guide!
The example below is taken directly from my Size Bot. It uses dependency injection to access one of database services (IUserDataStore), and then checks if user has administrative privileges within the bot - which allows to prevent unauthorized users from changing bot's settings, restarting it, etc:
using TehGM.Wolfringo.Commands.Attributes;
public class RequireBotAdminAttribute : CommandRequirementAttribute
public RequireBotAdminAttribute() : base()
ErrorMessage = "(n) You are not permitted to do this!";
public override async Task<ICommandResult> CheckAsync(ICommandContext context, IServiceProvider services, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
IUserDataStore userDataStore = services.GetRequiredService<IUserDataStore>();
// check if user is bot admin
UserData userData = await userDataStore.GetUserDataAsync(context.Message.SenderID.Value, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
return base.ResultFromBoolean(userData.IsBotAdmin);
You can also view this example on GitHub:
Specialized base classes
CommandRequirementAttribute is the default base class for commands requirements, and will be used for custom requirements most of the time.
But TehGM.Wolfringo.Commands.Attributes namespace has a few other base attributes as well. These attributes can be used directly, or extended (by using inheritance) to make creating your own requirements easier.
This attribute ensures that the user invoking the command has at least one of the specified group privileges. Its constructor takes WolfGroupCapabilities. You can provide multiple flags, for example WolfGroupCapabilities.Admin | WolfGroupCapabilities.Owner
- this will allow either Admin OR Owner to run the command.
By default, this also makes the command group-only. You can set IgnoreInPrivate to true to make it work in PM for everyone.
Default error message is "(n) You don't have enough group privileges to execute this command.".
This attribute is a base class for [RequireGroupMod], [RequireGroupAdmin] and [RequireGroupOwner].
This attribute ensures that the bot has at least one of the specified group privileges. Its constructor takes WolfGroupCapabilities. You can provide multiple flags, for example WolfGroupCapabilities.Admin | WolfGroupCapabilities.Owner
- this will allow command to be ran if the bot is either Admin OR Owner.
By default, this also makes the command group-only. You can set IgnoreInPrivate to true to make it work in PM for everyone.
Default error message is "(n) I don't have enough group privileges to execute this command.".
This attribute is a base class for [RequireBotGroupMod], [RequireBotGroupAdmin] and [RequireBotGroupOwner].
This attribute ensures that the user invoking the command has at least one of the specified account privileges. Its constructor takes WolfPrivilege. You can provide multiple flags, for example WolfPrivilege.Volunteer | WolfPrivilege.Staff
- this will allow either Volunteer OR Staff to run the command.
Default error message is "(n) You don't have enough user privileges to execute this command.".
This attribute is a base class for [RequireUserEntertainer], [RequireUserVolunteer] and [RequireUserStaff].